Psoriasis is a distressing skin condition which comes in various forms

  • Scalp psoriasis
  • Childhood psoriasis
  • Palmoplantar (Palms and soles})
  • Nail psoriasis
  • Body psoriasis
  • Pregnancy psoriasis
  • Sebo psoriasis.

Skin Sense offers complete counselling and perfect up to date medical and biological treatment of this dreaded disease. We teach patients to be meticulous in treatment and follow-up to maintain a high quality of life


1. Seek professional guidance.

First, I recommend you consult with a qualified clinician, such as a naturopathic doctor (ND), who specializes in natural therapies for treating diseases. When you’re on the road to natural healing, you need professional guidance to avoid spinning your wheels.

2. Try a healthy diet.

Certain foods can make your skin flinch and others pacify it. Although everyone reacts to foods quite differently, here are some healthy guidelines for psoriasis that have worked for me:
As a certified holistic nutritionist, I suggest trimming acidic triggers from your diet. Culprits include caffeine, sugar, white flour, alcohol, red meat, MSG, refined carbs, soda and artificial sweeteners. These substances could promote inflammation. Also implicated in flares are red wine, saturated and trans fats. Gluten may also trigger inflammation in some people. However, before omitting the nutrition of these grains, obtain diagnostic testing for gluten sensitivity.
Anti-inflammatory foods help reduce skin irritation. First-rate soothers are pineapple, broccoli, spinach, sweet potatoes and walnuts. Are you familiar with probiotics? Residing in your digestive tract, these beneficial bacteria normalize the impaired immunity contributing to psoriasis. Probiotics are present in cultured foods, such as kefir, yogurt and sauerkraut.Omega-3 fatty acids lubricate skin cells, top plant sources being flax, chia and hemp seeds. Healing spices are ginger and turmeric.
Our bodies need water for digestion, circulation and detoxification. When we’re dehydrated, our blood draws water from skin cells, worsening psoriasis symptoms. Each day, try to drink four pints of water. I’ve also found that green smoothies and lemon water improve my health. Also, Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has skin-friendly nutrients, including vitamins A, B, and C, and potassium. A daily serving is two teaspoons of ACV mixed with one pint of water.

3. Focus on stress relief.

Researchers have found a direct connection between flare-ups and stress. In my case, psoriasis arrived when I was doing a great deal of traveling, and I was emotionally unstable. The dermatologist I saw at the time said it would subside with less stress. I’ve since included relaxation techniques in my treatment regimen with great results. Meditation quiets the mind. Regular practice yields multiple benefits! Along with calming your skin, you’ll be less frustrated. You’ll feel more even-keeled and happier. I practice a form of meditation called Vipassana.

4. Get your exercise.

Exercise diffuses mental and emotional pressure. The best type is movement you enjoy. Fun forms are dancing, swimming, biking, walking, yoga and tai chi. Exercising 30 minutes daily is ideal, but even 10 minutes will help you look and feel better. I especially like yoga. Combining the breath with stretching is so relaxing! If you can exercise outdoors, all the better! Aim for 10 minutes of sunshine daily. UV light prompts vitamin D production, reducing inflammation.

5. Give yourself a pep talk.


At Skin sense we are able to relieve a lot of suffering related to psoriasis.There are a plethora of topical creams and ointments available in market buthe mainstay remains EFFECTIVE MOISTURISATION .

Various medications which can be safely consumed are available now with enhanced efficacy and less side effects .
In addition we at skin sense have a nice treatment regimen which if religiously follwed by patients goes a long way in keeping the patient disease free for a long time .
newest among the lot is the EXCIMER LASER ,which is a selective laser for psoriasis . We hav achieved great expertise i use of this latest technology.